Star Formation

across cosmic scales:

Machine Learning

insights and applications

13-17 May 2024, Budapest, Hungary

Important dates!

Extended abstract submission deadline: March 22.

Reminder: early registration deadline is April 10.

Abstracts submission

for new users

Abstracts may only be submitted via internet.

Guidelines for preparation and submission of abstracts:

  • Abstracts may be submitted via internet only. Abstracts submitted via fax or e-mail will not be accepted.
  • All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English using UK English spelling in .doc/.docx or .pdf format
  • The abstract text may not be longer than 400 words.
  • Using tables, charts, graphics are to be avoided.

Authors should indicate their presentation preference:

  • oral / poster presentation
  • poster only
  • The scientific board of the Meeting reserves the right to decide on the final allocation and presentation method.


  • Young star populations, galactic structure
  • Star- and planet formation
  • YSO variability, time domain analysis
  • Machine learning techniques, classification and regression type problems
  • Surveys, data types
  • Link with extragalactic surveys

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